Kota’s Place Changes for 2019!

We sincerely hope that everyone celebrated a safe and Happy New Year!

Kota’s Place would like to let you know of some changes we have for 2019!

Starting the week of 1/1/19, we will have a new website! You can take a peek at the new site at www.development.kotasplace.com and we would LOVE your feedback.

Some of the new features include:

  1. Cleaner and more easily read content
  2. “Call Now” button on your phone or tablet to reach us quickly
  3. All Social Media Sites are on our Home Page.
  4. Services and Promotions Page – items that will grow as we add perks for our customers
  5. Easily filled out forms for Contacting Us, Careers, Meet and Greets for your friends, Kota’s Kab, etc.
  6. PIC and Videos can all be viewed in one page
  7. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter. Your dog my be highlighted! Find it here
  8. WE HAVE A RETAIL STORE!! Sandy has done a wonderful job selecting items that actually support rescue dogs by giving back! You will have the ability to browse our store in your pajamas and purchase them online. I will have all the items listed by the end of the week!
  9. Events Calendar so you can track events that we will add (Parties, Birthdays, Winner Names – good stuff) so you won’t miss them.
  10. We have a blog on the events page as well as on the store page and you can add comments and respond to articles on the site!
  11. Kota’s Clings are back! Each month, we spot one lucky person with a Kota’s Cling on your vehicle. If we post your car on Facebook, YOU HAVE WON $100.00  If you don’t have one, we can send one.

Some other things worthy of mentioning…

Kota’s Kab Service is now available. We can pick up your dogs and deliver them home (within a certain range) space may be limited so book in advance

PAWS POINTS – Due to the rise in Massachusetts minimum wage, we have been forced to raised our rates slightly. To counter this, we have established a Rewards Program. You now collect points for being as loyal as a puppy dog! The points add up and can be redeemed at Kota’s Place for Daycare, Boarding or other items.

FACEBOOK HELP! We are trying to reach 1000 likes on Facebook by the end of January – Please ask ONE of your friends to like our page at https://www.facebook.com/kotasplace/

COMING SOON!  We will have access to a MOBILE APP that will allow you to make reservations, etc more easily from your smartphone. Once it has been released, I will have a link on our website and also post it on Facebook!

As always, we appreciate our customers and our furry friends! We strive for improvement and will always continue to be open and honest about the ongoings at Kota’s Place Dog Daycare and Boarding.

Thank you and we wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Safe 2019!

*all rates subject to change without notice

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