
Dog Daycare Facility

Club Canine

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Daycare Services

you can trust

Putting you and your pets’ needs

at the heart of everything we do!

Club Canine Place Hours

  • Monday – Friday 6:00 am – 7:00 pm
  • Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
  • Sunday Call in Advance

Welcome to Club Canine Dog Daycare

Comfort, Convenience, Safety and Reasonable Pricing!

Club Canine Dog Daycare has been developed for the comfort and security of beloved puppy dogs
and the convenience and needs of their humans, because…

“We knew how we wanted our dog to be treated and how we wanted to be treated as well.”

Club Canine Dog Daycare cares about your puppy as well as your peace of mind. Having traveled the country for the past 8 years, and using dog daycare services in several different states taught us what was truly needed. Therefore, we developed a dog daycare facility that is exactly what you have requested… Convenience, safety, and unconditional love for your dogs!

#howladayInn #pawsdreams #rover

Club Canine Mobile App


Just waiting for the app to load – but at least Dakota is a  cute companion


Enter User Name and Password or use your fingerprint


Update your info, your pet info and other records and send us files


Make and modify all Reservations and keep track of your schedule

Know in your heart that your dog is receiving the best care available – when you can’t be together

We are different because…

We’ve taken the best of the facilities we have used for Dakota, added some things we felt were missing, and incorporated them all into a facility that we are very proud to offer to you.

For your convenience, we have now incorporated on-line registration as well as self-scheduling for daycare service.

*all rates subject to change without notice

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